2 double 0 8........

2007 December 31

Created by jo 16 years ago
As this year comes to an end I m sure anyone who knew you will be thinking of you. You were , are and always will be in my thoughts . I find it so hard without you , we had such a wonderful understanding of each other , a true friendship that can never be replaced.This new year will not be the same , I know I promised to try not be sad but I cant stop this feeling of loneliness without you .I speak your name so often , I think of you every day and memories come flooding in. Mars, we had some fun didnt we , we shared some sorrow as well but we always had each other to lean on if needed. I know now how important it is to let someone close know you care , that you will be there if they need you and never let anything come in between. I now understand why on that friday before you left us you made a point of making sure T and I had mended our link. I promise you Mars I will be here to help , listen , and be a true and loyal friend to your bro just like you would .Hey we laughed bout us being the 3 muskateers but we had a bond and that shall not be broken .I know he misses you so much , there is an emptiness within him and that ,like myself i guess , will never go away. I wanna wish you a Happy New Year babe from me and T and jus u wear a smile when u hear its 2 double 0 8 . love you xxxxxxx