New Chapter

1997 September 07

Created by jo 16 years ago
Marlon went to Walford High School to finish his Education and although it was a bumpy ride for him with a couple of exclusions, one because he and a friend(wont mention any names)had taken alcohol into school and had been spotted drinking it and reported to the Head Teacher,who had no choice but to take them both home to their parents,after sobbering up Marlon later told he "he only wanted a drive in the Head Teachers BMW,but something good always comes out of something bad, or so they say, and that experince put Marlon off alcohol for good and he never really touched alcohol since, maybe once a year at Christmas. Marlon made the most of the time he was at High School and produced some good work, he was extremely popular with the teachers who would quite often send him birthday and Christmas presents to our home address. Marlon never stayed on at school to do his exams, he wasnt that way inclined and exams to him was not the be all and end all Marlon felt he would acheive better results in something he was good at, you know what they say "you can drag a horse to water but you cant make it drink" and so i was happy to go with whatever Marlon wanted.