New Chapter

1982 July 16

Created by jo 16 years ago
Marlon was born at Perivale Maternity Hospital at 1:40am on Friday 16th July, the proudest day of my life,he weighed 7lb 5oz,Marlon was going to be called Damien, right up until he came home from Hospital,i was put off by the name Damien by Marlons Uncle Steve due to the film etc and Damien became Marlon and am happy i did as the name as most people who knew Marlon would agree it suited him. Marlons Aunty Debbie and Aunty Wendy were a big part of Marlon,s life from the moment he was born, he almost immediatley became the centre of attention, always had the latest clothes and toys, often taking him to concerts and other venues, Marlon was the first child in the family for 9 yrs,
