16th July 2024

My BIG brother 💔 the only big brother I have ever known n my biggest protector ❤️Soooo many memories that shaped all 4 of us as kids ❤️ was thinking of you tonight like I do often but decided to search to find a pic to save of ur face n randomly came across this page ☹️ 💔 You have always been a double of our beautiful Aunty Jen …your amazing Mumma (our very own lil Whitney Houston) that wonder woman raised a true, genuine , funny n loyal gentleman with an honest soul….I will love you n miss you for life my big brother ❤️ forever proud not only to know you but for having the honour to have you as mine…my big bro ( friend doesn’t cut it…we were family) sooooo our gorgeous brother (stabilisers on my bike cos SOMEONE stole it, black diamond shaped plates, reebok printed snake, pops doing your school tie n so much more ❤️☹️ ) wish u could have been with me through my hardest times before n the ones now…cos I know ur ninja turtle butt would have solved them all 😂 will love and miss you all my life my big bro 💔 u will be with me until my dying day xxxxx